Motto To Love Ru Season 1. In the first season its a story about the girl called Lala which apparently met Yuuki Rito in the washroom. For Whom the Bell Tolls.
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Lala is detrminated to make Rito fall for her and she will put all her effort onto it even knowing that. Start your 30 Day FREE Trial now. Watch Episode 1 of Motto To Love Ru on HIDIVE.
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Watch Motto to Love Ru season 1 full episodes. A year after Lala came to Earth she is all the more determined to make Rito fall for her putting all her effort into it even though she knows that Rito actually loves. In the first season its a story about the girl called Lala which apparently met Yuuki Rito in the washroom. Crunchyroll Adds To Love-Ru Anime Symphogear Season 1 Sep 3 2015 The Fall 2010 Anime Preview Guide.
However Motto To LOVE-Ru gets more interesting.
TV-14 24min Animation Action Comedy TV Mini-Series 2010 Episode Guide. Pollen Telepathy A. A year after Lala came to Earth she is all the more determined to make Rito fall for her putting all her effort into it even though she knows that Rito actually loves. Watch Motto to Love Ru season 1 full episodes.